Monday, September 7, 2009

growling by the front door, part 2

Sometimes Kimo growls when he's lying by the railing by the front door and people come to the front door.

I noticed he does this to my mom and he even did it to Christie a couple of times.

I don't notice him doing this to me.

But today, he was lying down and I came out and he started a low growl.

I think it's because he doesn't want people to move him out of his spot.

Instead of forcing the issue, I usually get Kimo to move by putting treats on the ground just out of his reach. Then he has to get up to get the treat.

So that's what I did. I put a trail of treats. One in reach (that he can reach without getting up) and the rest just out of his reach. It took a little while but he finally got enticed enough to get up to get the treat. So once he got up, I went behind him and gently herded him down the steps with my legs.

[Mon 9/7]

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