Monday, February 16, 2009

Kimo, the cat, and the fish treat

Kimo was barking in the back. It turned out to be the black and white cat that he seems to be friendly at when he's out on the street (but apparently not when he's behind the fence).

I took Kimo out of the gate and the cat came closer. I decided to try to give the cat the fish treat (that Bry and Joyce gave to Lori but she didn't want and I wound up with it). The cat sniffed it but didn't eat it. So I decided to give Kimo the fish and the cat some chicken jerky. That worked better as the cat started munching on the jerky and Kimo started to eat the fish (though he only at about half).

Then we went out for our walk and the cat followed us for a little distance.

We went to the end of the street and saw RMS coming. I motioned for them to keep coming and took Kimo up Betty's driveway steps and fed him bits of jerky to keep him distracted.

[2/16, posted 2/20]

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