Monday, February 9, 2009

another visit with Spider

I took Kimo and Hershey to the park in the morning. And as we were leaving, Di brings Max. OK, back to the court. The problem was Hershey got loose. He ran circles around the playground set and eventually came to me for a bacon bit.

Back to the court. Hershey and Max wrestled again. Same result: Max gets pinned.

In the afternoon, I went to feed Koa. He was in the front lying on his pillow. The strange thing was that he wasn't even tied up. I walked back with Mr. Chung and Mr. Yokomoto. Then took him home. Guests were in the back as I fed him. After the feeding, they (and Toni) were headed home (to the Big Island?) he drove off with Toni and and headed home (to the big island?) and I tied Koa in front.

After that, I fed Kimo early and stopped off at Cat's house to see if she was going to bring Indy to tennis.

Spider started barking as usual. Indy was more friendly Cat eventually got the choke chain and leash on Spider and I took him for a walk. He walks pretty well, so I'm wondering if he had walk training before. He was still wary of me though since he didn't take any food. When I got back, he went to Cat and eventually I enticed him with the chicken jerky. When that seem to be working well, we moved inside the gate and got them both eating treats out of my hand.

OK, that worked though will probably have to repeat a few times.

Off to tennis.

[2/9, posted 2/14]

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