Sunday, December 7, 2008

Miyamoto driveway

[Sun 12/7]

I took Kimo out for a short walk. Emma came driving by with Nalu in the car still looking for Kaleo.

I went to the end to visit Max. Kai was lying on the roof looking ready to fall asleep even with Kimo right there.

Then I decided to go down the Miyamoto driveway. Mochi and Fifi started barking from the balcony, but the boyfriend/husband? shushed them and they went back in the house.

I let Kimo sniff around the area including the garage where he used to run to get treats. Surprisingly Miki backed away from the gate as we came into the vicinity. No reaction from Kimo either even though he kind of avoided the gate.

That's a little suprising, though encouraging. Though he still reacts some when he sees Miki from the park volleyball court. Especially if Miki barks first.

He still goes wild when he sees Reina walking Miki and Shammy. I wonder if he's reacting to Reina too?

[posted 12/15/08 9:29 AM]

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