Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dan and Jade

are Duane's son-in-law and daughter who are visiting from Portland.

I saw Dan with Duane last night walking Coco (and Joey and Kimo were barking at them).

This morning, more barking at 5:30 AM.  It was Dan for an early morning walk.

Later more barking, Dan and Jade (I learned their names later when Charlotte was talking with them) came out with Coco.

I took out Joey and pulled Kimo up.  Kimo made some soft(ish) poop at Tsutsui's then I let him go home.

Then brought Joey solo and caught up with them.  I was kind of watching Joey to see how he would react with Dan.  But he was right behind him apparently attracted to the bag of treats he was carrying.

Then retrieve Tuffy and Fifi.  And walk to the beginning.  A few more treats.

Start walking back, Roy is in a van (he went to watch his grandson or grandnephew play football) going out. And then a little more and we see Charlotte getting ready to walk.

Hand Joey to Charlotte.  Tuffy gets loose and goes to Dan.  OK, perfect.  One dog for each of us.

Maybe not that perfect, since Tuffy is kind of pulling Dan.  But not bad.

OK, end of the line.  Bye Coco.

Wait here comes Jojo.  Jojo is running wild kind of riling up Fifi and Tuffy.  Manage to regain control and go down back home to grab another leash.  Put Joey's leash on Tuffy and Tuffy's leash on Jojo.

Walk some more.  Why is Jojo pulling?  It's Ann and Mochi.  Kind of warn Charlotte that Joey doesn't like Mochi.  So we keep them somewhat separated and there's no trouble.

Walk back with the eight of us and Charlotte goes home.  Ann volunteers to take Joey.  And Joey and Mochi seem fine.

Walk another lap.  Joey starts rolling around at Charlie's house.  Fifi sniffs too close and Joey gets up and growls and they go at it very briefly (actually I don't know exactly what happened because it happened really quick).  Ann thought it was Fifi's fault going after Joey, but I think it was Joey reacting to Fifi coming close.

So after that we walked back with Joey kind of keeping an eye on Fifi.  And I kept Fifi at a little distance from Joey.

Well at least he forgot all about Mochi and walked fine next to him.

Ann takes Fifi and I take Tuffy home.

Later I go to flea comb Jojo and find a flea.  I'm ready to to put the flea into the detergent water but then I see Kimo lapping it up.

And so it goes...

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