Thursday, September 13, 2012

Joey the menace

Ugh.  Joey is still here (floor is getting redone) and getting to be a problem (at least today).

He's getting more used to Fifi again as I took him out with Jojo, Tuffy, and Fifi out for a couple of laps in the morning.

Later in the morning, he and Jojo jumped out and went behind Pat's house again.  No problem.  But then I see Joey on the other side of the fence and Jojo found a different path through the fence.

Looked like they were having a good time running around the yard and going under the buildings as some student and teachers were watching.  Joey wouldn't come to me but finally decided to come to me.  And I took him home (with Jojo following) via the Chung's house.

In the afternoon, Jojo had gone home and I let Kimo and Jojo out to pee/poop.  Kimo did his thing and went back in the house.  But Joey headed to Keith's house again.  Oh no, he's at AOP again.  Go to get him.  On the way back, there was a loose dog with a lady waiting for her son.  Some barking, but then they sniffed and seemed OK.

Late afternoon, and I hear howling (Hershey was still here) and barking.  He was howling at Charlotte walking.  So I decided to take out Joey and Hershey.  Kimo didn't want to come.

Took them out on the street and Steven jogged by.  Joey leash slipped out of my hand and he went after Steven.  Got between them and stepped on his leash.  Steven looked at his shorts like they were ripped or something.  Sorry.  (Oh boy.)

Let Charlotte walk Joey.  And I retrieved Tuffy (sorry Fifi).  And we went for a lap.

Coming back, Jeannie came out and said Steven got bit in the groin area.  Then Steven came out.  Luckily he didn't seem too mad.  I told them of my experience getting bit by Kimo and that they have to watch for infection (swelling) and probably should get a tetanus shot.  (Oh boy.)

Then see Malia out with Kat and Shirley.  Start to walk toward them and Joey reacts to Shirley and vice-versa.

Cheryl comes out with Jojo as Zenny is getting picked up and we walk with her.  Joey is getting a lot of walking.  He seems OK with them.  Maybe he don't like girl dogs?  He was OK with Charlie who was tied up in the garage this afternoon (and barked only occasionally at cars parking up the street).

On the way up, see a couple with a couple of dogs at the Sakuda's.  It was Jason and his wife with Hershey and their beagle.  Joey sniffs the new beagle and seems OK.  They're watching Hershey a

Later that night Duane comes out with Jojo and Joey barks at them (so Kimo did too).

Despite his cute looks, not an easy dog.  Need to watch him more carefully.

[Thu 9/13, posted 9/14]

[Fri 9/14, posted 10/17/13]
The next day..

policeman comes regarding dog bite, tells me to take the dogs in the house, I take them in the back

but then as I go to talk to the policeman, joey comes running out from the ewa side, he must be squeezing under the gate

policeman calling around to see what he's supposed to do / I sit with joey on the sidewalk with joey lying down next to me

then I take him back to the stairs when he's ready to talk to me

he tells me to sign a statement and I write a description of what happened sitting my joey on the steps

I have a court date for November 1 (around there)

oh boy..

[Fri 9/21, posted 10/25/13]
talk to Steven running by, said he had to go kuilima the next day so the boss told him go emergency and he had to fill out a form and I guess they reported it / said he's going to pass on the bill

[Mon 9/24, posted 10/31/13]
Took Kimo and Joey to the Bark Park after dropping Christie off at school.
First we go on the sidewalk and joggers run by
no reaction from Joey
which leads me to think that Joey's action against Steven was territorial

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