Friday, October 5, 2012

Rusty has a problem

“John, sorry to bother you but I think Rusty has a problem.”

The call was from my cousin Bryce, a great guy who takes good care of his cute silky terrier.

As I turned to look at the clock and vaguely saw 11:30 p.m. I mumbled, “Tell me what’s going on.”

“Well, I came home from work and noticed that Rusty kept licking ‘down there.’ Then when he stood up, he walked kind of funny. As I looked closer, I noticed that his penis was swollen and red. It looks dried out and I think he’s in pain.”

“Bryce, I know this is going to sound weird, but I need you to get a water soluble lubricant and gently put some on Rusty so that his penis can retract into normal position. He has a condition called paraphimosis, and if it lasts too long it could get serious.”

Fifteen minutes later Bryce called back telling me that everything was OK. I told him that if it ever happens again to lubricate and call me if it doesn’t work.

Months went by, then late one night I received another call from Bryce. “John, I’m sorry for calling so late but Rusty has the same problem again. I didn’t want to bother you, but I’ve been rubbing lubricant for over an hour and his penis still won’t go back in.”

As I shook the cobwebs from my head I contemplated what Bryce just told me.

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