Saturday, September 22, 2012

stressing on the steps

went out on the steps when Pat took out Keith and gave them treats. No problems, even when Keith came down partially on the sidewalk to look

take Kimo and Joey out as Kimo looked like he wanted to out. Went up toward the end of the street and Kimo poops on the road

then Pat takes Keith on the steps to trim his hair
go out and treat Kimo and Joey with Kimo on the top landing

they're ok for a while as Pat continues trimming Keith
but Kimo goes over threshold and goes wild and Joey goes after Kimo
I try to grab both of them on the scruff which probably escalated Kimo into his wild state
I think I was lucky not to get bitten.
Eventually they calm down enough
Kimo goes down to the bottom landing and I sit between them and they seem OK

See Garrett delivering the mail and go down to the garage when he's coming back
I sit down by Joey and Kimo comes limping out. Didn't realize he hurt his leg. Don't see any blood or obvious wounds.

Let Kimo go out to pee and take Joey out on the leash
Kimo goes back in the garage and lies down in the sun

*** [later that day]

barking, it's duane and coco / take out joey, duane retrieves mr. wong, i retrieve tuffy

hey tracey is out with maya, tuffy seems ok, but joey is reacting / let him closer to smell and he seems better (wants to smell her butt)

coco seems uncomfortable too, but then seems better as we walk back

[posted 10/28/13]

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