Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jojo and Shirley

see Malia taking out Kat and Petey in the wagon.

go up to retrieve Shirley and here comes Jojo.

So put the leash on Jojo and bring him up to Shirley's gate. Shirley is there, but no problem with either dog.

Let Shirley out, she goes down, but doesn't go far. Decide to put the leash on Shirley and go to get Kimo leash behind my house. Kimo sees us, but doesn't bark much if at all.

Shirley is tired and wants to go back, but encourage her to go forward.

See Toni outside. She shows me tiny garden fence, about a foot high, which is sufficient to keep Kilauea in. Of course, Jojo and Shirley have no problems jumping over. Jojo pees on a plant and I don't think Toni is pleased.

Tuffy is out. Bring Shirley over, but they both react a little.

Petey acts up, must be Jojo. Malia ties up his leash a little shorter.

Walk back with them. Jojo is a little nervous. Not only because of Petey, but mainly because Musubi is trailing us coming back.

After Malia goes home, I stay with Petey on the front steps for a little while.

I nod off for a few seconds, then I don't see Jojo. I figured he must have gone home.

Then I look straight down to my side and he's right there lying down. (He's on the landing against the steps and I'm sitting on the step right above him. Kimo is on the top landing).

But after a little while, Jojo runs home as I think he heard a noise and got scared.

[4/14/12, posted 4/15/12]

[5/7/13 looking at my log] Later on Snoopy comes to visit and I let Kimo out for a little while.

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