Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tracy and Maya

Keith barking. It's Duane coming down with Coco.

Kimo didn't want to walk earlier, but this time he goes down to the gate and I take him out.

Coco doesn't want to go up the hill and Kimo goes to poop at Tsutsui's. Not hard but not that runny.

We "encourage" the dogs up the hill and start walking.

Off in the distance we see a lady walking a dog coming this way. Duane continues, but Kimo starts to tense and then goes wild as they approach.

I hold him up with the leash so he doesn't bite me and to their credit they keep coming. As Kimo slowly comes to his senses, she wants to bring the dog closer, but I tell her I'll walk next to her.

I met her before but I introduce myself again. She remembers my mom as the one she helped home when she scraped the car against the wall. Her name is Tracy and the dog's name is Maya, a lab or lab mix, six months old.

I think Kimo went nuts because Maya might have reminded him of Miki since they're about the same size and color, though Maya is a lighter tan.

So we make it down the street and Kimo slowly winds down. They're not half bad as we reach the end of the street. But then Kimo loses it a bit as we go past Keith's house who's going nuts in the house.

But then Kimo calms down again as we pass Duane coming back and we walk with them to the beginning of the street.

Tuffy is eating or something as we come back and barks softly at us as we come back. But then he recognizes us (or my voice) and comes out near the road. I go over to pet him and Kimo wants to walk past him, but then we do a quick turnaround and go home. It's already getting dark.

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