Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kimo's eye

was full of mucous and practically swollen shut this morning.

There was some mucous yesterday and I sort of cleaned it up and hoped that it would get better.

It looks worse this morning. I cleaned it up some more. If it doesn't get better, it may be vet time.

Maybe it got infected with all the bad weather and him sleeping in the mud?


eye infection?


The eye looked better the next day, but I took Kimo to the vet in the afternoon. Backing up, I smashed the backcorner of Donna's car :(

The diagnosis was that he had an infection. The aide held Kimo in the crook of her arm as the Dr. Kamiya examined him. He seemed a little scared but didn't resist much. Weight still about 19-1/2 pounds.

Turned out he had an infection and got prescribed eye drops (Ofloxacin) and some antibiotics (Clavamox).

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