Monday, September 12, 2011

under Pat's house

Kimo's pees on the chair again. What's worse, it's the chair I usually sit in. I think the only way to prevent it is to put his water dish under this chair. Which would leave the other two. Maybe I should put three water dishes?

Take Kimo in front to poop. Joey wants to go poop, so let him out too. While I was with Joey, let Kimo loose to go home. Except he wanders over to Pat's house and goes under the house.

OK, go over to get Kimo. And Joey goes under the house too!

So they're both scampering around. And I see Kimo pooping. Twice.

Finally Joey comes out by the gate and I give him some treats and take him home.

Then I go to get Kimo. By this time, Kimo pops up out from underneath the house and goes to the back.

Go in the back to get Kimo. He now runs to the front and up the steps. Keith is strangely quiet.

Then I see Joey running to us (he pulled down the brick to get loose) and up the street. He sees a cat and take off after them. He's going house-to-house looking for the cat. Kimo wants to go too, but I tie him up to the utility wire (or whatever you call it at Cheryl's house.

Finally I manage to catch Joey when he comes back to the front of the house and I take them home.

Next to pick up Kimo's poop. Grab a couple of bags and go under Pat's house. I hear Keith barking. It's Joey loose again. I tied him near the gate and crouch around looking for the poop. Not fun.

OK finally home for good. Well, picked up the poop made at my house too.

What fun dogsitting.

More barking. What now? It's a guy come to cut down branches at Sakuda's. Go out and sit with them until Joey loses interest. Go back in and finish writing this up. Hey, they're kind of quiet for a couple of minutes at least.

Maybe have time to make breakfast now..

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