Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ms. Ito

Joey barking on and off (seems mostly on) in the late afternoon.

I keep going out or calling his name to stop him, but then he resumes seemingly moments after I go back in the house.

I finally go out and sit on the steps and they both quiet down.

Ms. Ito comes walking down in the evening to give something to Pat.

I try to keep Joey calm. Kimo comes down but is mostly quiet.

But then Keith starts yelping frantically as Ms. Ito gets to the door. That sets off Kimo and Joey reacts by going after Kimo. And here they go.

Actually it wasn't that bad, as I grab the door mat from the railing to separate them. But then Joey gets by and Kimo squeals like he's scared and goes up the steps.

He sits there for quite a while and Joey lies down.

As I write this, Kimo is lying down on the top landing. And Joey is lying down on the lower landing.

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