Saturday, October 11, 2008

Koa's back yard

[Fri 9/19 a.m.]

take Kimo out (barking at something), pick up Hershey
Koa waiting, see Charlotte walking Jason
take them in backyard, Hershey shy at first
mostly behaves but barks at dog barking, try to claim back makai corner
Kimo jumps on bed, shoo him off w/o trouble
feed Kimo/Koa some kibble, make them sit
Hershey starts running, Kimo then Koa chases & growls a bit
I was a little surprised Hershey was able to keep out of range of Koa
And I was worried a little that his leash might snag so I took it off

So I guess that's sort of encouraging that they would run around like that. Though maybe not, with the growling. But I hope that's part of the play.

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