Thursday, December 13, 2012

Joey again

Joey is over again because Sheryle is getting her floor tiled.  I took Joey, Kimo, Tuffy, Fifi out yesterday.  Because Hershey wasn't over and Jojo didn't come in the morning.

Treating at Duane's garage.  The roofer (who owns a big dog) came over to Kimo and had him sniff his hand.  Then went to pet him, but Kimo nipped at him to stay away.  A couple of times.  Joey seemed OK with Fifi this time.

Then later after everybody went home, Jojo arrived.  And played with Joey a little while on the steps.  He stayed a while and finally looked like he was going to jump down so I let him out.


Today, Jojo came early.  Gave Kimo his antibiotic by hand and hand-fed them all a little.  Since today is a Hershey day, was thinking of taking all of them out.

Duane and Coco come.  No barking from Keith or anyboday and even Hershey.  Take out Joey and Jojo.  But Kimo lay down and I didn't want to force him.  Retrieve Hershey.  Retrieve Fifi.  Have Duane hold them  by the stonewall.  Bring Jojo with me and retrieve Fifi.

Go to Duane's garage.  Duance treats them.  Though after a while, Joey and Jojo come by me and I treat them.

Lots of treats.  No problems that I can see except that Coco still wants to jump on Tuffy.

Time to go.  Suddenly I hear a commotion.  I think it was Joey.  And I see Fifi on top of somebody.  I think it was Joey.  I grab Fifi's collar and pull her up.  Took a little while, but finally she calmed down.

Duane comes out and offers to take Joey back home.  Offer accepted.

Take home Hershey.  Kimo wants to come out.  So I let him out and he goes poop (or maybe he pooped after?).  Then we go back to the end of the street.  The roofer from yesterday arrives and Kimo wants to go to him.  He offers his hand to sniff but doesn't try to pet him.  Probably a good move.  Fifi and Tuffy run up for affection.  Jojo kind of shies away.

Let Kimo go home.  Take home Tuffy and Fifi.

Don't know what happened.  My guess is that Joey might have showed some teeth at Fifi and Fifi jumped him.  And that's what happened last time.  Good thing Kimo wasn't there.

And that's kind of what happened with Kimo and Miki.  Kimo growled and Miki jumped him.  Joey recovered faster than Kimo though (who never fully recovered).  He got used to her again that last time he stayed with me, though it took several days.  We'll see how he is with her this time.  At least he doesn't bark and go nuts at her when I walk her (like Kimo used to do with Miki).

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