Friday, August 20, 2010

Hershey goes swimming

Took mom to church to help with the luau and decided to bring Kimo too (since I was bringing him in front anyway).

When I came back, I decided to drive up to Puna since it was now a little past the time I usually leave (it was Hoku day). I retrieved Hershey and encouraged/pulled him to the front seat.

Went up Puna, found parking at Skyline near Puna. Noticed Hoku's gate was open, but no sign of Hoku (or anybody). Buddha's gate was open too. But no sign of Buddha (or Betty). So I went to Joey's house.

Went up the steps, but no sign of Joey. Headed for Ilima and Joey runs out but remained quiet. He warily came to the fence. I think something might have scared him from coming to the fence because he used to come to the fence and bark. Fed him a little. Then went to the back gate and treated the dogs a little more.

Walk on Ilima. Only one of the two terriers barked and the other dogs didn't bark. Maybe they're getting used to us.

Down Aulii and back to Puna. Decided to go up Hoku's driveway. There's Hoku tied to the iron rail.

Took the dogs to the pool area. Hershey went to the narrow ledge by the pool, apparently lost his balance and plop, he was in the water. He paddled to the side and pulled himself up. No problem.

Then I decided to take the chain off rail and let the dogs play on leash. After a while of that, I walked them to Buddha's house. Hoku mostly didn't pull and wanted to play more with Hershey. But when she did pull, she was hard to control (mostly because she's so big).

Went back up the driveway and then I saw a car coming up. It was Allen. So the dogs got to play unleashed with the gate closed.

After playtime, got them back in the car and decided to drive up Alewa drive and to the Na Pueo park (nobody was there, but didn't get out).

[Fri 8/20, posted 8/22am]

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