Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"balanced" trainers

Besides John Wade (The Dog Shouter) and Cesar, here's another (so-called) "balanced" (meaning they use both positive and negative reinforcement) trainer, Ed Frawley. Fortunate K9 seems to be another one. Here's their viewpoint on corrections stating that positive trainers actually use them too.

All these seem to be "real-world" kind of people. (Not to say the others totally aren't.)

Actually I note few professionals using purely negative methods these days (individual owners are a different story). The Monks use a lot of praise. Cesar likes to give massages (rewarding state of mind). Pattison? Well, he runs/plays with the dogs.

And Victoria likes to use sound adversives (vs. physical adversives). Plus what looks like sort of a Koehler method in teaching loose leash walking (which seems to pretty standard).

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