Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hershey and Musubi

[Monday 10/13]

I guess Kimo didn't want to go out, so I went to visit Hershey and took him to Keith's stone wall. Naturally Keith barked but I stubbornly stayed there.

After a while, Musubi came by. I took Hershey up to the curb near the Pang fire hydrant and sat down. After a while Musubi ventured over. Somewhat surprisingly as Musubi came over, Herhey shied away. Yes, this was the same cat that Hershey chased and I had to go looking for him.

Next I took Kimo to poop and I took him to Keith's wall too. Then we went to visit Koa and I took them to the backyard. I blocked them from going up the steps as Big Koa was barking.

Two girls (one haole and one oriental) were walking their dogs as we returned to the front. And I made them lie down and waited for their return.

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