Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Protocol for Relaxation

This is Karen Overall's Behaviour Modification Program which uses treats (used as a salary or reward, not as a bribe).

This program is the foundation for all other behavior modification programs. Its purpose is to teach the dog to sit and stay while relaxing in a variety of circumstances. The circumstances change from very reassuring ones with you present to potentially more stressful ones when you are absent.

The goals of the program are to teach the dog to relax, to defer to you, to enjoy earning a salary for an appropriate, desirable behavior, and to develop, as a foundation, a pattern of behaviors that allow the dog to cooperate with future behavior modification (generally desensitization and counter conditioning). This protocol acts as a foundation for teaching the dog context-specific appropriate behavior. The focus is to teach the dog to rely on you for all the cues as to the appropriateness of its behavior so that it can then learn not to react inappropriately.

The Full Protocol


Karen Overall is a vet with a PhD in Zoology (awarded for research focusing on mating systems and egg physiology of a protected lizard -- I guess you gotta get it for something).

More articles from Karen Overall.

She writes about the myth of dominance.  And says to embrace deference rather than dominance. [reminiscent of NILIF]  To me, it's the same thing.  But maybe not to others.  The word dominance seems to have a stigma attached to it (if you're in the "modern" age) and can lead to abusive behavior.

[via p4r]

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