Tuesday, November 20, 2012

how to teach a dog not to bite you when giving treats

Duane is sort of scared to give treats to Fifi and Hershey.  (No problem with Tuffy and Coco).  The problem is that they get so excited with the treat that they just chomp at the treat not thinking if you finger is in the way.  [He's sort of scared with Kimo too, but not because he gets excited eating.  But he's seen how Kimo transforms when he gets excited.]

Here's the way I do it.  First, you have to assume that the dog does not want to bite you, but wants to eat the treat.

So I hold the treat between the thumb and my finger with the treat sticking out a little way.  Then have to dog wait and move the hand slowly to the dog with my knuckles toward the dog.  I hold my hand until the dog calms and waits then I slowly turn my fist to present the treat to the dog. The dog has to pull out the edge of the treat with his teeth without biting my hand.

Alternately, with the treat between my thumb and forefinger, I put my fingers into the dog's mouth.  So, since the dog doesn't want to bite your fingers, the dog has to carefully nibble on the treat without biting your fingers.

I admit Hershey bit my finger one time in his excitement to get to the food.  So I yelled ouch and waited longer for him to calm down more.  And he's more careful/cautious now.


I guess I just kind of came up with this on my own.  Probably evolved from having the dogs tug on the jerky to pull it out of my hand.  Sort of a tug game.

Here's a different (more wimpy) method.  The dog in this post, Cosmo, reminds me of Kimo especially with his crazed look.

Why do all these American Eskimo/Japanese spitz have similar names?  Cosmo has the K sound at the beginning and the mo at the end.  Kuma was an American Eskimo on Dog Whisperer.  Cotton (another dog whisperer case) has the K sound.  Hoku (the other Hoku on Puna street) has the K sound (RIP).  Chibi, ok that one doesn't quite match.

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