Friday, October 12, 2012

Fifi tangled

Joey is back as Cheryl is going to Kauai to bring back her father's ashes.

Duane is on the mainland, so Cheryl took out Coco this evening.

Keith was barking so Kimo ran up the steps and stopped when he saw it was Cheryl and Coco.

Took out Joey as Kimo didn't seem to want to go (as usual).  Joey kind of lunged at Coco at first but seemed OK after.

Sorry Tuffy, you have to stay home today.  And he barked as we walked past (I think he was barking for me to take him).

The UPS truck passed us (Joey barked at it).  Cheryl thought they might be delivering to her house and she left her mom by herself at home.  (Zenny's on vacation so Cheryl was home today.)

As we came back, I noticed Fifi was sitting near the stake and didn't move from it.  I thought she might have gotten tangled in the rope.  So I hooked Joey on the gate and went down to take a look.

Yep, she was tangled.  Practically the whole rope was wrapped around her leg.  Took a while, but I finally got it unwrapped.  The progress came after I unhooked the rope from the stake.

After she was untangled, she seemed OK and went to drink water and ran to the steps.

Gave her a treat.  Gave Tuffy a treat.

Go home.

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