Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kai (the dog)

take out Kimo, see RMAS out, Kimo starting to get excited, Tuffy barking, Fifi hears us and comes up steps.

Duck down to Fifi's house and hold Kimo as he reacts as RMAS go home down the driveway.

OK, take out Fifi. Take Kimo home. Keith barks, Pat is outside and I take Fifi over. Pat pets her.

Later, feeding Kimo in the garage. Kimo goes charging to the gate. It's Wayne and Coco and his wife (I assume) and another dog. They're talking to Mrs. Iha who's out in the yard.

Take Kimo out. The other dog is a white/brown pomeranian who's well-groomed named Kai. Kimo is reacting to Kai. And Kai is reacting to Kimo. Keith is barking.

The wife says Kai acts like an alpha male to Coco.

Kimo calms down after a while and sits. (Thinking back) I knelt down to see if Kai would come to me and suddenly Kimo erupts going into full mode. I hold him by his collar and he's out of his mind.

Wayne and the rest take off back up the street. After a while, Kimo comes back to his senses and we follow them up the street. Then I hear whining on the side. It's Koa by the gate. I go over to pet him.

Then we head home.

Don't know exactly what happened. But I'm thinking maybe Kimo reacted when he saw Kai coming toward me. Kind of doubt they're going to bring Kai to our street again. That's the first time I've ever seen Wayne and Coco come all the way down our street.

[Sat 4/2, posted 4/3]

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