Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kimo chases Fifi

Took Kimo, Hershey, Fifi to the park. Still don't see Fifi's regular leashes. So took her flexi-leash.

On the way, Dottie sees us and stops. Tell her I don't see Hoku when I pass by. She says maybe she's in the back.

Down Hala, turn at Laki. The little white dog (looks like he has mange) comes out and backs, charging as if trying to chase us away. None of the dogs react (thank goodness). After visiting with "Mr. T" for a while (the old pitbull), we head up Kealakai.

There's Siki barking at us, sort of out of control. Sort of like Kimo. The owner comes and picks him up (so not exactly like Kimo, as even I would hesitate picking up Kimo). Puts him down and Siki continues barking.

On to the park. One of the workers says something as we go up the hill. It's "pick up the dog shit." OK, I guess I understand where he's coming from. "Always" I reply.

Up the hill. Myles parents' come down, their two dogs follow them into the car.

Down the hill. To the volleyball court. After a while, Fifi starts running around. Hershey doesn't bite. But Kimo catches the energy and starts chasing. Growls as Fifi passes by. Fifi continues running. Then Fifi sort of reverses and chases Kimo briefly. And the run is still over. The growling was a little worrisome to me. But I think it's OK as they both came to me right after and sat for treats.

Later I sit down on the court. Fifi comes over and practically sits on my lap. Not necessarily good. I haven't set boundaries with her. Kimo comes over and lies down behind me. I guess that's good.

Time to go. But first Fifi wanted to go to the playground set. Kimo too. Didn't want to force Hershey up, so tied his leash to the lower railing at the bottom. After a short rest, we go home.

[Wed 3/30, posted 3/31]

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