Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fifi outside

Koa loose in the morning, take him home
gets loose again, but then he runs off

Kimo lying down, so take out Hershey
here come RMAS, walk down w/ them, Kimo sees them and runs up and down steps

retrieve Kimo and walk w/ RMAS

Kimo (the man) reports that Fifi is tied outside because she bit the baby (not viciously, but the baby is crying). [But, as I write this, don't see Fifi tied outside most of the time, so maybe she's back in the house or moved?]

take Kimo & Hershey up. See Rylen out. Cross street. Man reaches down to pet Kimo who's facing away. Kimo sort of scoots away but doesn't turn to bite (good sign). Told him he used to bite people who did that.

See Sonny in doorway. Go to greet.

Up Puna. See Buddha in doorway

go back down, see Hoku w/ Dottie, bring Kimo & Hershey and she lets us in

Hoku wants to play, barks at Hershey to get up as he's lying down. Hershey plays some, but goes under under the truck and lies down when he doesn't.

[I believe it was this day.] Went back to Buddha's house. Betty comes out to chat for a while. Says Kaylen didn't want to go out today.

[Tue 9/28, posted 10/3]

[Tue 9/28, posted 10/3]

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