Saturday, July 12, 2014

walking Izzy (for the first time)

Duane, Jason, Dude, Coco are walking
take Kimo out
Phil lets Kaya out to play with Dude

notice Izzy is outside the gate
Duane takes Kimo and I go to put Izzy back, she kind of runs away from me
so I go in the gate and eventually she comes in
wth, I go take out Tuffy

have him on long rope that I took from Fifi's basket
Duane notice he's skinny and feeds him, also notice he's limping a bit
take home Kimo

Duane brings Tuffy
I take home Tuffy, see somebody's home, tell Jake that Izzy was loose
but now I worry about Izzy reacting to Tuffy (since Kristen said if I took out Brownie by herself and bring her back, Izzy might go after her)
so I take out Izzy for the first time

see Ann leaving
Izzy pulls but not uncontrollable, walks on loose leash some of the time

take Izzy to Charlie at the fence, but then Izzy starts barking at him and Charlie barks back

have them sit at Duane's for treats

then take them a little away from Charlie and have them sit for treats as Charlie barks at them

ok take them home
first have them sit outside and try to get Brownie to calm down for treats
then take them inside and do the same thing.  Izzy sits consistently, Brownie sits once in a while after a while, Tuffy jumps up on wall to get out of the way

Kristen scolding Izzy, she didn't know I was there, then I go talk to her for a little while

[7/12/14, posted 8/11/14]

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