Friday, July 18, 2014

Cesar Millan and Jackson Galaxy

[via facebook]

together (sort of)...

Cats and dogs are cute, loyal, and charming—but what’s really going on inside those furry little heads? There are two men who do know and they’re going to take your biggest pet questions LIVE during a Google Hangout on Air on Friday, July 25th at 1:30 pm ET.

Cesar Millan, renowned dog behaviorist and the star of Nat Geo WILD’s Cesar Millan: Love My Pitbull and Cesar 911and Jackson Galaxy, the expert behind Animal Planet’s My Cat from Hell, will tell you what your furry friends are thinking. Find out why dogs eat poop, why cats always knock things over, and any other behavior you’ve always been curious about.

[I guess I missed it]

But here's the event.  I see the questions, but no answers.

Oh wait, it's NEXT Friday.


Here's the live youtube link.  Yep they're both on (with a moderator from Parade magazine in between who doesn't know how to pronounce Cesar's name)

I wonder what Animal Planet thinks of this?  (Or does mean Jackson is moving to NatGeoWild?)

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