Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kaya joins the pack (sort of)

Our new neighbors (Phil and Cary) have a big dog named Kaya (and two cats)...

Duane and Coco go out
so go to take out Kimo, hangs in the back at first, but then comes out so take out Joey and Kimo

Hatekenaka's are doing yard work with Pudgy tied up, so bring Joey and Kimo over, Pudgy is wagging tail as Joey comes over

Phil and Caroline (Cary) and Kaya are out too, so follow them

then here come Taylor and Jake / retrieve Fifi

let Taylor walk Joey, then Jake walks Coco / Kaya wants to come over to Fifi, kind of pulls Cary / Fifi 
seems a little edgy but OK
 then walk back
 go to the end of the road where Stephen Cheung is watering grass
 treat Fifi, Joey, Kimo at Coco's garage / Coco is in the house
 let Jake walk Kimo, Kimo lags then wants to go home
 then let Fifi go to Kaya's house, she's a little excited but not bad
 Taylor takes Joey with her
 take Fifi home
 take Joey home

Kaya is a female corso, not the vicious one, but the tame one (said Phil previously)

[12/28/13, posted 1/25/14]

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