Friday, August 3, 2012

Fifi clamps Tuffy again

bring Kimo in the front and decide to take him and Jojo out in the early a.m.

retrieve Tuffy, tie Jojo to post and retrieve Fifi

here comes Harriet so walk with her

let Kimo go home and go up the street

Harriet goes home, Duane brings out Coco and walk with them

Jojo sees cat under Roy's car and goes nuts

then soon I see Fifi clamping on Tuffy's neck
try to pull Fifi off, let Jojo go and he goes after cat but stops short

Fifi finally lets go
poop all over Roy's driveway, Roy hoses it off

Duane holds Tuffy for a while, 

but then they seem OK (though Tuffy gives Fifi a couple of glances)

walk back then take the three in back

they mostly wait by the door, but then they play some with Tuffy playing referee
after I eat my oatmeal, I
 hand-feed them some food

Amy walking,
so good time to take them home (to walk with Amy)

later Kimo runs down the steps because Malie is running down the street
it's Ann with Mochi and Malie's baby daughter Ae'o (eye-oh) in carriage

take out Jojo with them,

Jojo pees on Ann's leg, use Yokomoto hose

back home, Jojo reassumes position by front door
doze off / Jojo went home in the mean-time

Another dog day morning.

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