Friday, February 17, 2012

goodbye Koa

A van drove by and Kimo was barking.

It was Eddie. He brought Koa to say goodbye. He said he's going to take him to the Humane Society because he couldn't find a home for him.

But then he mentioned something about his father's place with a concrete area and he built a dog house for him. So it sounds like he's moving there.

Eddie said he was in a clean and sober house and couldn't bring Koa with him. And apparently he didn't want to burden Toni any longer. So now Koa has to move.

Good luck to both of you.


I'm glad I was able to take Koa walking with us for the last few days as I saw his blue rope leash out in the driveway. I took him out this morning with Jojo and Hershey and walked with Duane and Coco.

And yesterday, I had Fifi, Jojo, and Koa in the backyard.


Later that evening, I took Petey out for a walk. I saw Toni outside and stopped to chat. She told me that Koa is going to a warehouse in Mapunapuna next to the Sony building and be a guard dog. And that Eddie is going to work there part-time.

So at least Eddie will be able to see him. And that Eddie might come over to her place to do some cleanup work maybe once a month.

[Apparently, Koa was becoming a bit of a burden to Toni. And Eddie considered moving back downstairs. But Toni thought it was time to move on.]

*** [6/2/12]

While out with Kimo, Jojo, Fifi and Tuffy this morning; Toni saw me and came out on the road with Kilauea.  She informed me that Koa got run over by a truck at the warehouse.  Sad end.  But I think he had some good years living at Toni's place.

[6/7/12] I remember when I first met him.  He used to get loose and would come near but not all the way to me.  Then finally I gave him some food through the fence at Jennifer's house (he was on Jennifer's side and I was on the other side).  That did the trick.  And after that he would come to me.

I will miss him coming to my house when he was loose (so I could take him home).  And him lying down with his head by my leg when I sat down next to him (so I could give him a massage).


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