Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fifi jumps down the wall

take out Jojo, bypass Hershey (who's back - he didn't come yesterday), retrieve Koa, retrieve Fifi, then retrieve Hershey.

Jojo wants to play with Fifi
let them loose around Iha's house
Fifi goes to Tanabe yard overlooking the stonewall, then jumps down! I was surprised because it's kind of a high jump.

I go around to the garage to retrieve, but see there's no steps going down. But Jojo jumps down.

The dogs are making a commotion and Tanabe sister (don't know her name) comes out to see what is going on. Tell her the dog jumped down. She says there's no steps except through the house.

She hold Koa and Hershey and I jump down to get Fifi. Decide I can get her over the wall to the Pang house. She finally get up the wall and over and we go up the Pang steps. Then I come around to get Koa and Hershey. She was surprised because she went in the house to open the door for us.

She doesn't like the idea of the dogs peeing in her yard. So I tell her I won't let them when I walk them.

Then I go home, let Kimo out and he runs out goes under the Tsutsui fence and runs behind their house. But that's another story..

[Tuesday, 8/23/11, posted 8/27/11]

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