Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kimo, Hershey, Fifi continued

RMAS comes by. Barking. Take Kimo out.

Don't force him to follow them. Instead go to Hershey's house and retrieve Hershey.

Slowly up the road, see RMAS coming back. Decide to retrieve Fifi.

Had Kimo on long line and Hershey on leash behind me (didn't want to force Hershey down steps or get Kimo "trapped" in a small space on steps) as I sat on steps and waited for Fifi to come up. The idea was to feed them small bits of treats to get them used to the situation.

Then RMAS returned and went down the driveway and Kimo went off. Took a little for me to regain control since he was on the long leash. TGIDK came out to look and we chatted a bit. Then off we went.

Saw Mr. Wong coming back from his walk. So we walked and chatted as we came back.

Decided to treat them down the driveway by their "garage". All seemed to be going OK, but then apparently Miki spotted Fifi and barked. That set off Kimo and I grabbed him. He stayed in wild mode and I had to hold him for a while. Long enough for Kimo to come out of the house and check what was going on and for Amy to come out and look too.

Took Kimo to the gate and he remained a little excited. Tried to get him to lie down by the gate and he squealed like he didn't want to. Finally he seemed calm enough and I went over to chat a bit with Amy.

OK, still work to do (or undo)..

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