Friday, May 21, 2010

Jennifer's cat and Kimo's bark

Jennifer's cat is becoming less and less afraid of Kimo.

This time, she (I assume she's a she) walked slowly away before going under the steps in garage. Then as we moved away, she came out even letting Kimo sniff her a bit.

Kimo still has a problem sometimes just charging at me (or anybody, but it's always me who's there) when he's not looking and senses somebody near him (or aroused by something). This time he was lying down facing away and I called his name and he got up and came to me in a calm manner. Treat.

Later Kimo saw a cat coming out of Fong's garage and charged out and barked. But this time he made a funny sound before the bark came out, like he was scared or crying.

[Fri 5/21]

Kimo's bark now sounds different, like he has a sore throat or something. Maybe he blew out something when he barked at that cat.

[Sat 5/22am, posted 5/23]

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