Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kimo plays with Koa

Kimo was barking early at cats, etc.
Take him in front. Brush him. RMAS passes. Sees them but stays mostly calm, though got a little anxious briefly.

take Kimo and Hershey out
Lolena Wall, Aulii, Puna, guy walking little dog turns into Aulii. It's Hoku's neighbor. Let the dogs sniff as we hold them. He says the dog is fear aggressive, but is getting better. I say Kimo too.

Betty is going out with Kaylen and Buddha. Walk with them. Treat them and Joey in the back. Then power walk. Well, it's fast for me.

Then see Allen is outside. Take Kimo and Hershey to the gate. Popcorn on ground, but Hershey doesn't eat it (thank goodness). After a slow start, Hershey and Hoku start playing by the cars in the garage. There's two cars for Hershey to run around. Hoku gets tired after a while and lies down. Then they resume.

Come back from taking mom to dentist. Pat and Keith are out. Kimo out on steps. Must have barked.

Hear UPS truck. Go out to hold Kimo. Hold him in front of me with him facing street. Goes wild as UPS truck passes. Claws my lip (no blood) and my glasses break as I'm holding them (the right arm of the frame). Well it was about to break anyway. And they still work. Just using one side. What do you call that? Ah, they're called temples.

Kimo barking in the back. It's Koa on the ewa side. Let him in while holding Kimo's leash. No fighting. Then take Kimo out in front. They start playing. Well, Kimo started chasing Koa anyway and they were running in circles. But when Kimo started getting to close, Koa started growling. Well, it's a thin line between playing and fighting. But I think Kimo was trying to play. But I think they both never learned how to play nicely.

Take Koa home. Let him pull me because I think he was pulling me to go home. Looks like nobody was home. He seems anxious to go to gate. Open the gate, unhook him and off he goes. I see the plank of wood was crooked, so it looked like he clawed the wood away to squeeze under the gate. But didn't want to squeeze under again? Though, I've seen him do it in the past.

[Tue 2/23, posted 2/24]

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