Saturday, September 23, 2017

sleeping dog positions

[9/3/17] Because our pets can’t directly tell us things about them, sometimes we as pet owners have to take it upon ourselves to do some digging, while paying attention to key clues. And those clues can sometimes come from some pretty unlikely places.

Take, for instance, the position that your dog sleeps in. Believe it or not it can be pretty revealing about your dogs overall health, along with its personality.

For instance, does your pup sleep in a curled up position? Your dog is doing that to conserve its body heat, while protecting its limbs, face, and throat. Interestingly, dogs who sleep in this position are gentle, and have a naturally sweet disposition.

Keep reading to discover the meaning behind several of the most common sleeping positions for pups.

*** 9/6/20 ***

From Pet MD, 5 Dog Sleeping Positions and what they mean

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