Wednesday, June 6, 2012

pulling knots

Kimo seems to be free of fleas for now, but still scratches and licks some.

Maybe because of the licking there's some knots of hair on his underside.

I was trying to comb them off without pulling them, but some were so knotted that I had to pull them.  I grabbed the bottom of the hair and held it while pulling from the top, so Kimo wouldn't feel the hair pulling off him.  Of course, he probably feels a little and every once in a while would raise his head to lick the area.

So having been bitten by in the past, I would reflexively move my hand away.  But no incident.  And after a little while, Kimo surprised me by just lying his head down as I continued the operation.  So I'd say he's become pretty comfortable and trusting with me.

I remember the days when someone would just touch him on his flank and he would go wild.  He still might do it with a stranger, but seems to be OK with me.  Only took like five years..

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