Sunday, February 13, 2011

diatomaceous earth

I thought I posted about this in the past, but I don't see it so...

Anyway, I was walking with Malia maybe like a year ago and she told me she was using this fine white powder which is called (I believe) diatomaceous earth.

She said it's supposed to help prevent fleas and gave a bottle of it (she had a lot because she bought a bag from a feed store or something).

Anyway, I didn't really use it for a long time. But when I saw (what I thought might be) flea dirt on Kimo, I put some on him.

Don't really know if it helped or not though cause I still see specks of flea dirt on him. (But no fleas.)

*** [6/22/11 a good link]

Food grade diatomaceous earth is OMRI (Organic Material Review Institute) listed, does not poison our pets, and simply dehydrates fleas and ticks that come in contact with it within 72 hours. Food grade diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled in your home carpeting, on dogs, cats, and other animals, applied in their bedding, and in all dry outdoor areas that fleas congregate. If your pet currently has fleas, it is essential to feed food grade diatomaceous earth daily at double the recommended daily dose to address the tapeworms your dog, cat, ferret, or other pet will have from ingesting fleas.

5/28/12 - some comments

6/15/12 - another link

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