Monday, January 31, 2011

Fifi and Joey chase each other

shower in the morning hear barking
turned out to be RMAS (didn't think it was them because I didn't hear Keith barking)

take out Joey and pick up Hershey.
But for some reason, Joey started barking at them when he got close

Maybe it was Amy's hat. Or maybe it was because he was barking at them earlier because Kimo was barking at them. Or seeing them walk as invaders when he was in the front.

Hershey sees some rice on the road and has a treat until I manage to pull him forward.

Go down driveway and Amy gives them each a biscuit. Hershey eats it. But it's a little too big or too hard for Joey.

Going back I give it to Hershey. He crunches it and I pick up a piece and give it to Joey.

OK take out Kimo, take out Joey, take out Hershey, pick up Fifi.

Round Makanani wall and I'm kind of letting them pull/lead me.

Up Aulii, up Puna. See Hoku's gate open and up I go. Dottie's outside.

Hershey goes through the other gate. And I hear Lani not too pleased with Hershey coming in. Cleaners are coming. Dottie goes and get him.

Dottie gives me some jerky to give to them. And I have the four of them sitting waiting for their treats.

Then Hershey and Hoku finally start to play/wrestle. But they have an appointment, so off we go.

Don't see BKB. So we head up to Joey's house. One the way, four chihuahuas are at the wall barking. A girl/woman comes out and guides them back in with her legs.

Go in the uppper gate. Fifi wants to run. And soon enough Joey joins in and is chasing Fifi (and vice-versa). Kimo and Hershey wander around doing their own thing.

Head home. Down Puna. Stop by the pitbull. Fifi and Joey go by the fence. But the pit just remains lying down looking at them without much reaction.

Stop by Maka's gate. They all go to sniff except Hershey.

Take them home. Kimo comes out. Tell him that Fifi and Joey were chasing each other.

Later with Kimo and Joey in the front, Kimo goes wild at a yellow firetruck or some kind of fire vehicle. Turns out it's Nalu driving.

I grab Kimo and wait for him to calm. But he escalates and gets even more wild. I look and see Joey nipping at his tail. Kimo catches the heel of my hand (look later and no blood, just kind of a bruise). And I have Joey move away from Kimo.

Kimo lies down and I try to comb some flea dirt (or whatever it is) from his underside. He soft growls. I see Joey at his tail. So maybe that's why. Or maybe he doesn't like his hair geting pulled. So I have Joey move away again and comb more gently.

Then after a little while, though all seems OK, I take Joey in the back just in case.

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