Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Koa and Mochi, and Betty (the dog)

I was walking Kimo Saturday when I saw Amy out with Miki and Shammy. I turned into a garage and waited until they passed, then came out and walked behind at a distance. No incidents this time.

Then I went back to grab Koa and saw Mochi loose. He went out on the street despite Ann calling him. Ann went to get the leash and walk with us. But Mochi started acting up and then Koa. And Kimo went wild. Ann was ready to take Mochi back but I told her we got to force them to walk. And to follow behind us. That seemed to work as far as it went.

We went back to Koa's place and Kimo went over and drank Koa's water. But then he didn't want to leave his spot near the water when I went over to grab his leash. And he went stubborn wild. To compound the problem, Koa started to howl. But eventually everything calmed down.

I took Kimo home then saw a couple walking a small white and brown dog. So since I was on a roll, I decided to take Kimo and walk with them. After a while, it came back to me that I met them before. The oriental guy is John. The big haole lady is Diane. And the small dog is Betty. After I heard the dog's name, that's when I recalled that I met them before. And they remembered the last time I walked with them I told them Kimo had just bit me.

We walked pretty well, but when we walked past Koa's place he howled at us. So he does seem to have some dog issues.

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