Wednesday, August 13, 2008

chain reaction


I let Kimo sleep in and went to visit Koa. I'm trying to get him in the frame of mind of following me. So I picked up some leaves with him in tow with the leash. After sweeping some in the back too, we went for walking practice. And he was better, not pulling for longer stretches of time. I didn't want to feed him because I think he might be eating too much (can't feel his ribs), so I just played some food fetch with him in the front.

Hershey missed his walk too, but I heard him howling in the afternoon, so I went out to look. He was inside, but Helen saw me and let him out. I took him for a short walk, then decided to bring him in back with Kimo. He's now gunshy of Kimo and stayed mostly by the fence entrance area. Kimo saw him, but stayed mostly in the dirt area where he likes to sleep. OK, never mind. Take Hershey home.

Then it was Kimo's turn to go out. I took him to Koa. Kimo remembers eating Koa's food and went to his dish and it was empty. But then he started drinking his water and kept drinking and drinking. Then he saw the bag of food which had blown from the table to the ground. He started sniffing. Red flag. I blocked him with the broom. He started growling a bit and then backed off. Disaster averted?

Time to walk. Yokomoto and Chung walked by and I tried to follow. But Koa started pulling again, no matter how many times I corrected him (Caesar makes it look easy, but it's not for me). We struggled our way up the street.

After passing a bird above and Keith, we got up the street. But Shirley (the black spaniel) made her way to the balcony and Kimo went wild at her. And Koa went wild at Kimo. I grabbed both leashes and pulled up, mostly worried about not getting bitten by a redirected Kimo. After things calm a bit, I induced Kimo to lie down though he didn't go on his side.

Head back home, but the paperguy comes and I head back. I let Koa go in the Yokomoto driveway to get petted by Sam. But he heads toward the back. Luckily Sam caught the leash with his foot. And got his pet in later. In the meantime, the Cheungs come home. Steve puts away the trash bin and Melinda heads for the door.

Take Kimo home. Take Koa home and feed.

Go home and feed Kimo early cause I'm off to Salt Lake. Kimo eats all his helpings since I'm sitting there watching him eat.

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