Wednesday, August 6, 2008


After giving Koa his medicine, I took Kimo out for his afternoon walk. I saw a bunch of people running (it looked like some kind of running event) and they seemed confused as to where to go as some of them started running into our street before being told they were going the wrong way. One person was running a sheltie (or it looked like one because Amy told me later that her neighbor has a sheltie which was the dog that looks like a small collie).

I also saw Amy heading out, so I decided to trail her. Apparently she was still wary of Kimo next to her because she told me I could go in front, but I told her she has to lead and that Kimo wouldn't bite her.

We walked down Hala, then to Kunaway, then to Liliha and spotted Kimo's "brother" across the street. I told her I was going to cross and she went on her way up the street. I went to visit the dog and I guy asked me if Kimo was a Japanese Spitz. It turned out he was the dog's owner and that the dog's name was Chibi and was three years old. He's about the same size as Kimo but his coat is fluffier and whiter than Kimo's. Kimo looks a little scraggly in comparison.

I decided to walk around the blog because I saw some other dogs walking. There was a lady with a small dog (chihuahua) and asked what Kimo's name was. And they sniffed. The dogs that is.

And I followed some black dogs being walked and it turned out they lived at the bottom of the street (Bachelot and Kuakini). I came back up and saw the owner was taking Chibi out for a walk, so I decided to tag along. Chibi pooped like three or four times, so I see that Kimo isn't the only one. He said he used to have another Japanese Spitz that was like 45 pounds and used to poop multiple times too. So maybe it's a trait of Japanese Spitz. He said his first spitz lived to be about 10 but might have poisoned. And it turned out that his vet was Dr. Lau who used to be in Kalihi. I told him that used to be our vet too. And the owners name is Stanley.

I began the trek home and saw Diane out with Max on Liliha near the beginning of the street. I asked her what her daughter's name was (since I had walked with her a day or two ago) and her name is Antonia or Toni for short. Another Toni.

Well, I guess Kimo is good for me meeting people.

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