Monday, June 22, 2009

Hershey rolls / Kimo plays?

Took Kimo and Hershey out for their morning walk. Hershey sees some poop on the yard at the lady with minpin's house. Goes up to it and starts to roll. Pull him off.

(Why do dogs roll in poop anyway?)

Then I took them to the park volleyball court. I started to run and Kimo started to run too. And went a little wild running in circles. He got excited and seemed to want to play with Hershey and hump him. Don't remember that he ever tried to do that to Hershey before. Hershey was stiff like a statue and seems scared to engage Kimo now. Can't blame him. Later Hershey went over to the fence on the side and sat down.

I tried to block Kimo from going on top of Hershey and then he started going after me nipping at my heels when I turned away.

(Why do dogs nip at your heels anyway? Herding behavior)

I think getting Kimo in that state is the first step in natural dog training. Or something like that. Just that I don't know how to do the second step in channelling that drive. Gotta read that book one day..

[Monday 6/22, posted 6/24]

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