Monday, May 18, 2009

more dog encounters

took Kimo out early and walked a little with mom.

up the street, big Koa was barking. Since the garage was empty, I took Kimo inside. They sniffed, and I made them sit for treats. Kimo growled and I made him lie down.

Then Brit came walking with Rudy and Blue. Make Kimo lie down. Brit remarks they don't have to move after all.

As BRB headed back, I decided to take Kimo down the Miyamoto driveway. Well, he kind of decided for me. He wanted to go into the garage as he must have remembered the treats he used to get there. Miki and Shammy were by the gate, but not much reaction.

Went to get Hershey and saw Koa by the gate. But didn't see him as we came back.

Reina was coming out with Miki and Shammy. I stopped to let them go first. But she wanted me to go first.

Kimo acted up passing by. But he fairly quickly snapped out of it. Gave his head a few tugs forward as he kept wanting to look back.

Head out to Makanani and Aulii. The friendly Jack Russell was loose. I kind of paused and the Jack Russell came out to greet the dogs. They sniffed. And Hershey postured.

On the way back, we greeted the old black dog by the gate.

[5/18, posted 5/19]

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