Monday, May 25, 2009

Dog Day Morning

Memorial Day

Decided to take Kimo riding. Went to Cathy's mom's house. Saw Cathy's car but wasn't sure if I wanted to wake her. Finally parked a few houses away and took Kimo out. The neighborhood dogs started to bark and there were a lot of dogs. There were three small white dogs across the street that I don't remember before. A couple of brownish/black dogs (don't really remember). And Spider and Indy were going at it full force.

Took Kimo around the block and on the way back, saw Cathy's mom outside and then Cathy came out. Took Kimo in the garage as the dogs continued barking. Then fed Spider and Indy through the fence as Kimo sat down mostly with his back to them. They were still kind of barking but would pause to eat. Mostly Indy as Spider would come to the gate, take some food, then back away.

Cathy finally quieted them down by sprinkling water on Indy and showing Spider the rolled up paper.

As I left, the white dogs were gone. The only dog not barking was a Husky looking at us through at the corner of a fence. Hmm. Maybe Husky's are friendly because there's a friendly one on Judd. There was a big dog at a gate. Might be a mastiff. Kimo went up to the gate but the dog barked or growled and Kimo backed off.

Off to Donna's house. I was going to head to the backyward, but saw Christie coming out. So I let Kimo loose and he ran in the house. I think Timmy and Mars got kind of scared and Donna grabbed his leash and led him back outside. And Christie petted him for a little while.

They were off to the airport and I took Kimo around the block. Saw Wellington outside with a couple of guys looking at his sprinkler system. Let Kimo sniff him and he turned around and pet him (I was watching to see if Kimo would stiffen but he seemed OK.)

Continuing on, Kimo charged the driveway at the house he doesn't like on Nehoa. I calmed him down and walked him back and forth and he seemed better.

Off to Pauoa where I saw a couple of Japanese Spitz's (looked like JS anyway) a month or so ago. This time the dogs weren't in the yard. Maybe they were inside sleeping. So I walked around a bit. And when I got back to my car parked at the park, I heard a dog barking at us. It turned out to be a Japanese Spitz tied in the yard. Later a loose Husky came over and they sniffed before running off. I sat down and was kind of hoping the Husky would come over to us, but he just ran up the street.

Then to 7-11 to use one of my coupons. Unfortunately there were not shady spots. So I had to park in the sun. Got a hot dog and Mountain Blast and when I came up Kimo was sitting on the floor of the car.

Took him home and gave him water and a cube of ice. I think he's tired.

[5/25, posted 5/26]

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