Sunday, March 1, 2009

Koa and Keith

I took Kimo out in the morning, Koa was whining at the gate, so I took him along. It was a struggle at first. Diana & Max were in garage (I think I let Koa go to her, but not Kimo).

Took Kimo home. Keith was barking, so I sat by Iha curb to see how long it took for Keith to calm down (answer: never, well he wasn't completely frantic but never completely stopped barking)

Walked back and forth, but never quite extinguished the bark.

OK, back up the street. Kona barks at Koa. Mr. Sills peers out.

That afternoon, I took Koa for another walk. I heard Kimo barking, so I walked toward Steven's house. Pat was walking Keith up the street. I stopped. Keith saw Koa then turned around. Pat seemed amused.

go to get Kimo. sit in front. go up past Keith's house. some rxn.

eye Melinda in kitchen, poop on grass, take home.

feed Koa

[3/1, posted 3/12]

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