Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wynn with Miki

Today, Kimo was barking. It turned out to be Betty and her daughter walking down the street. Usually he doesn't bark at Betty, so it must have been her daughter. When they came within view, he started wagging his tail. I assume that was at Betty.

Actually he had another tail-wagging incident this morning when Alvin came in his truck to borrow my lawn mower. Alvin parked on the side of the road and usually Kimo barks like crazy when a truck comes by, but he was quiet so that means he recognized the truck. Then his tail went crazy when Alvin came walking up.

Acutally earlier, there was a barking incident. Barking at the newspaper guy.

Anyway, back to Betty. Since they were walking, I figured it was time to walk Kimo. He went over to get petted by Betty. Then he went over to her daughter. I've always kept Kimo away, but this time I let him go over. She let him smell his hand then went to pet him. He had this unsure look in his eyes, so she retracted her hand. Probably a smart move. Then we proceeded on the walk which must mostly OK until..

We saw Wynn out with Miki and Shammy. When Kimo saw them, he went wild (red-eye, flashing teeth wild). But I held him tightly by the collar until the rage subsided. And Wynn brought the dogs closer. Miki acted up a bit but Wynn corrected her. Then finally Kimo settled down and we walked together. Almost like the old days. This was good to confront the problem today because I see that it's possible to get them to walk together again. Reina usually takes the dogs away now when she sees Kimo acting up. I can't blame her though, since that's a normal reaction.

Then on the way, we stopped over by Koa. He was on his bed in the corner and I kept Kimo away in case Koa would get territorial. I sat down and Koa came over but was a little territorial/protective and kind of growled or barked mildly. But then I leashed up Koa we went walking together reasonably well, though I'm keeping them on opposite sides for now. Kimo (the man) and daughter drove by and must have been surprised to see me out with Koa. He said he didn't think Koa was walkable. Right on he said as I explained the situation.

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