Sunday, July 20, 2008

Petey on the ledge

Petey was out on the ledge today as I took Koa for his afternoon walk before feeding. I tried to wait until Petey paused barking before walking away, but he never really stopped very long and it took me a while to get going back.

Then it was Kimo's turn. I bypassed Koa at first when were going up because he was sleeping on his pillow. It looked like his legs were in the air. But he was up on the way back and I grabbed him. Also Nalu's mom? and son were out and they decided to follow us.

They were walking pretty well. The first obstacle was Keith. I switch Kimo to the makai side and we made it slowly up the hill. But then Petey was out again. Kimo got wild at Petey barking and that set off Koa who got wild at Kimo getting wild at Petey. I had to settle them down and once again it took a while to get back the hill as I tried to walk when Petey paused (but when I started walking, he started barking again, so I paused again, etc.) Plus the Cheungs were home with Mr. Cheung working the weedeater outside. So they have more to complain about.

I took Koa home and decided to bring Kimo up the street solo. Disapointingly he went wild again and I had to grab him by the collar. After that he was mostly calm though Petey continued to bark and it was slow going once again going back home.

Well, I got Keith to curtail his barking by waiting until he stopped barking, but I don't know if that works with other dogs in general. Well, I figure they have to eventually get tired of barking. Eventually.

I did a quick search on the net and here's one person's account on getting a neighbor's dog to stop barking.

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