Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kimo goes to Ala Moana

Decided to go watch the women play tennis at Ala Moana and took Kimo with me.

I took the stalls near the Magic Island parking lot because I feared there wouldn't be much parking and it turned out to be a longer walk to the tennis courts than I thought. They have some nice walkways, but I didn't see anybody else walking their dog. Probably because of the No Animals Allowed on the sign. Well I figured if I walked by the sidewalk by the street, then I'm not really in the park. Sort of. They had a nice stone wall by the sidewalk and we walked much of the way on that. Making sure that Kimo trailed behind me.

Finally we reached the tennis courts but I didn't recognize anybody player. Then I saw Ann by her car and she said they start playing at 10:30. Hmm. I thought they started playing at like 8:00 or 8:30. OK, a little early. Still about 45 minutes to go.

OK, more walking. So we went back to the stonewall and walked back to the car. Then drove the car a little closer. And back to the tennis courts. The players were warming up. At first I thought Joyce was warming up with Ann. But Bry said Joyce was warming up with her opponent and I took a closer look.

Anyway, Kimo was panting. And I dripped some water out of the faucet and he lapped up the drops. We watched for a while but the sun was beating down. Kimo kept heading for the grass, I think he wanted shade. We finally headed home.

Kimo usually goes up on the back seat. But this time he sat on the floor. I guess cause it's cooler there?

Anyway, took Kimo home and off to dim sum.

[Sunday 9/20, posted 9/21]


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