Saturday, October 11, 2008

Koa gets loose

[9/18 - the adventures continue]

take out Kimo as Rudy & Blue walk
Kimo goes wild, hold leash until calm (fairly quickly)
pick up Koa on way back
see Kamakani w/ Nalu & Kaleo
bring Kimo & Koa up driveway
bring back to street, Mochi comes over to sniff, Koa allows then snarls
Koa gets loose, take Kimo to Koa's house to tie him up
retrieve Koa
take them to back of Koa's house
Kimo goes on bed, gets a little possessive, make him lie down
goes up steps where big Koa is, make them both lie down as Koa is barking
feed them some leftover kibble
Hershey is over, lies down when Kimo comes over
take to backyard, Hershey reluctant, wait a while then take out
bring to Keith, sit in front

That afternoon I brought Koa with me when I went to water the plants and he went to the other side of the fence (probably under) but at least he didn't run away.

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