Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cat Walk

I'm beginning to think that Kimo likes cats better than dogs. Today, the tailless cat was in Kimo's [Max's?] garage and Kimo wanted to go up to sniff him.

Also I let him sniff the dog that Diana is dogsitting. It's a chihuahua-terrier mix that Diana says is the best trained dog. He comes to her when she calls him at the park. And goes to bed and stays put on the pillow.

Anyway, Kimo and he were sniffing each other through the fence. But I heard some low growling. I couldn't tell which dog was growling. I thought it might have been Max who was nearby but not sniffing. Later (on the afternoon walk) I discovered it was the new dog, though he still seemed friendly enough.

I also encountered the black cat with the purple collar near Malia's place. Kimo didn't go wild. On the contrary he went over and tried to sniff him. He got close enough that the cat pawed him. And I was pleased to see that Kimo didn't go wild or even react much to the paw. The cat went across the street to Tanabe's bush. Kimo followed but the cat moved away.

So maybe Kimo is getting a bit more socialized. At least to cats. (I think Paco has helped him a lot in that regard. And Hershey has helped him learn to handle interactions better by playing.) He still barked at Keith when Pat took out Keith and I was out in the yard. But he seemed to come without too much struggled when I tugged the leash and told him to come.

Note: the above two links are from Free Dog Training Info, which is another informative site.

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